Our conference theme champions all forms of effort, research and solution in the circular transition of “Waste 2 X”. “X” in our theme represents the diverse range of valuable outputs that can be obtained from the circular transition of waste. Circular transition of waste is a systemic approach aimed at transforming waste materials into valuable resources, products or energy through various processes such as recycling, upcycling, composting, product recovery & forms of waste-to-X technologies. Therefore, APLAS 2024 aims to open avenues for forums, sharing & business sessions, exhibitions & high value presentations to exchange ideas and knowledge to minimize the generation of waste, reduce environmental pollution, and maximize the utilization of resources within a closed-loop system. Through this “Waste 2 X” approach, we believe societies can move towards a more sustainable and resource-efficient model, reducing reliance on finite resources, mitigating environmental pollution, and fostering economic opportunities through the creation of new industries and job markets.
Based on the theme “Waste 2 X“, the conference will encompass a wide array of topics pertaining to waste management and landfill practices, including but not limited to:
#Sustainable Waste Management Strategies: waste management policy, planning, practices and challenges.
#Sustainable Landfilling: landfill designs, gas and leachate management, operation and maintenance, and rehabilitation.
#Circular Economy and Waste Prevention & Minimization Strategies: refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, recycle.
#Integrated Solid Waste Management: collection and transportation, finance and administration, public concern.
#Waste Transformation and Valorization: waste-to-wealth and waste-to-energy strategies.
#Hazardous and Special Waste Management: scheduled waste, chemical waste, e-waste, medical waste, etc.
#Innovative Technologies for Waste Treatment and Disposal: mechanical, chemical, biological and thermal treatment technologies, etc.
#Community Engagement and Education in Waste Management.
#Challenges of Waste Management and 3Rs in Island.
#Disaster Waste Management.

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th August 2024
Acceptance Notification: 30th August 2024
Early Bird Payment Deadline*: 20th September 2024
Normal Payment Deadline: 15th October 2024
Full Paper Submission: 15th October 2024
Symposium Date: 12th – 14th November 2024