Assalamu’alaikum w.r.t . and salam sejahtera,Thank God for the bounties and blessings we all are in good health to this day.
Welcome to Mechanical Precision Engineering Department and thank you for your willingness to visit this website!
This Department was established in 2011 starting with the first student intake in 2012 a total of 33 students.
Alhamdulillah, Department of Mechanical Precision Engineering now has begun to grow not only merely increase the number of students but also increase laboratory equipment for student use as well as foster collaboration with industry and the department.
Keeping with the soft skills of students, the department has taken into account a number of requirements set out by the Ministry of Higher Education in order to produce the graduates that have the characteristics of employability, competitiveness, and competence. To achieve this, the Department of Mechanical Precision Engineering successfully gained recognition from the Public Service Department (PSD) and Accreditation Engineering Council (EAC) in guarantees of future students during studying Mechanical Precision Engineering program.
To ensure that program in running successful, Precision Mechanical Precision Engineering Department has implemented a strategic plan of action for 2011-2017;
i. Increase the number of research laboratories
5 existing research laboratories will be expanded to 16 by the year 2017. This is made possible by the addition of a dynamic staff, professional and research-oriented, and teaching staff in the department. The intention of the department is to produce one of the top research laboratories laboratories at least one national or international level.
ii. Increase the number of academic staff
So far, Mechanical Precision Engineering Department has had 17 academic staff consisting of national and international level staff. Mechanical Precision Engineering Department is expected to increase the number of academic staff to 74 people by 2017. This increase will further catalyze a more dynamic learning environment, effective, and quality.
iii. Implement a dynamic and integrated curriculum
The developed curriculum will always be dynamic and monitored by the industry. This is to ensure that the curriculum being developed is based on market needs that this program allows graduate students to be competitive and competent.
Leveraging from this action plan will give more impact to the department where not only just produce professionals in this field but also produce a truly human effort, trust, and carry out a job when being questioned.
“Engineering the Nation with Precision for Sustainable
So come! Get on board and join us soar high towards success!
Ir. Ts. Dr. Nurulakmar bt Abu Husain
Head of Department
Mechanical Precision Engineering (MPE)
Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology
University Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
The Department of Mechanical Precision Engineering (MPE) has been set up to contribute in the area of Mechanical Precision Engineering. MPE department was established in March 2011 and is headed by the Head of Department. The name “precision” is utilized by referring the program as a sub-discipline of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, software engineering, electronics engineering, optical engineering, etc. concerned with designing machines, fixtures, and other structures. Graduates of this program are in the field of mechanical engineering and can be registered as professional engineers in the field of mechanical engineering. Currently, the department has 25 academic staff members and 2 Assistant Vocational Training Officers. The academic staff members have different backgrounds such as in pure mechanical engineering, material engineering, machines (especially CNC machines), nano and microtechnologies, advanced processing and technologies, and mathematics.
National and International Collaboration
Advanced research lab, known as iKohza for post-graduate students
Research collaboration with university worldwide
Research collaboration with industry

Prof. Dr. Aminudin bin Hj. Abu

Prof. Dr. Ir. Saiful Amri Mazlan

Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Pauziah bt Muhamad

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sheikh Ahmad Zaki b Shaikh Salim

Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Nurulakmar bt Abu Husain