+6 03 2203 1517 mjiit@utm.my

On 24 February 2018. 80 students from MPE department has organized the Annual PREMECH Family Day at Teluk Kemang, Selangor in order to enhance the relationship between MPE students and lecturers. There are ice breaking session, telematch games and also barbeque!!!! All MPE students are involved in this exciting family day. PREMECH advisor, Dr. Ishimatsu, and 7 exchange students from the University of Tokyo, Japan also joined the family day. We are also want to create awareness to the student about the importance to keep our beach clean by having “gotong-royong” at the end of the event.


Ice breaking session between Senpai and Kohai.


BBQ time with friends and lots of fun.

Fun Aerobic at the beginning of the event